Monday, December 28, 2009
Coyote Hunting - How to Find and Call Coyotes
I love to go coyote hunting and teach others how to hunt them as well.
I'm going to give me some coyote hunting tips here and I'm going to assume that you're new to the sport, so I'll do my best to keep it simple.
Step One: Scouting Before You Go Coyote Hunting
We need to do a little scouting in order to find a coyote or other predator to hunt. Scouting is nothing more than looking for coyote/predator sign in the area you plan to hunt. Sign would be classified as tracks, scat, or any other indication that coyotes or other predators are in the area. I do a lot of scouting around waterholes, creek banks, grass patches, timber edges, etc. Coyotes and all other predators have to have water.
Another method of scouting I use is to talk to landowners and farmers in the area I'm going to hunt. They often times can tell me when and where they have seen coyotes and all other predators for that matter.
One other way I use to scout is to go to an area I plan to hunt on the night before I'm going. I'll get out my old howler coyote call, and let out a long lone howl. If there are any coyotes in the area they will usually respond back to me with a howl or bark of their own. This is really a lot of fun and you'll learn a lot about coyote behavior and vocalizations by doing this. I highly recommend it.
I also recommend that while you're scouting you make notes about the area you are going to hunt. Notes should include where you would expect a coyote to come from when you're calling. In other words where the cover (ditches, timber, grassy area, etc) is on the property you plan to hunt. This is important for our setup process which we are going to talk about next.
Step Two: Proper Entry And Set-Up For Coyote Hunting
So now we found an area with coyotes/predators that we're going to hunt. To give you an example, I am going to say that your hunting spot has the cover that you expect the coyote or other predator to come from on the northern edge of the property where you can hunt. So in this example it would be ideal if the wind was either from the north, east, or west. Certainly not from the south or you are going to be smelled by every varmint in the that cover. You'll be busted before you ever begin to call.
Here's a point that's vital to your success. "If you can't get into an area without being seen, smelled, or heard, your chances of successfully hunting a coyote/predator are very small." They have excellent senses.
So here's the scenario. You've pulled up to the spot you plan to hunt. Hopefully you found some cover of some kind or at least somewhere a ways away to park. From this point on your going to have to be quiet. Coyotes also have an excellent sense of hearing. Hopefully you also have on some kind of camouflage clothing that blends in with the season. This is not a necessity but it is very helpful.
Let's continue with the scenario...
Our covers is on the north. The wind is either out of the north, east, or west. Now we're going to walk to a spot where we can sit down and begin calling. Choose your spot wisely. Find somewhere to set where the outline of your body can be broken up by either a tree, some grass, or something behind you. Hay bails were great as well. A lot of times I will set in the shade of a hay bale.
Step Three: Begin To Call
Now it's time to begin calling. After I sit down I will usually wait just a couple of minutes to let things settle before I begin to call. Here's how I begin.
I'll start by blowing a long lone locate howl. Not too loudly though. Just in case there's a coyote close by. If after a couple minutes no coyote has appeared, I'll begin calling at a fairly low volume with my distress call. I predominately use a cottontail rabbit distress call. Reason being, here in Missouri a large part of the coyotes diet is cottontail rabbit. If you live out west you are most likely going to want to use a jack rabbit distress call. Jack rabbits are more prevalent there.
Now keep in mind when you begin calling that you are trying to imitate a very small animal that is in some kind of trouble. Either a hawk has got a hold of him, he's tangled up in a barbed wire fence, or something else is bringing him to his demise. When you call you are going to want to use short waa, waa, waa sounds. While you're blowing waa, waa, waa into your call, your going to want to be opening and closing your hand over the end of the call. This will help with making your call sound more distressed.
When I am calling I will do this for about 45 seconds at a time and then I will stop and look for approaching varmints. If none appear in a couple of minutes, I will begin the sequence again only this time I will do it a little louder and with even more emotion in my calling. I'm really trying to sell this varmint on the fact that I am a rabbit in a bunch of trouble. I'm the easy meal he's looking for.
I'll continue these 45 second calling sequences. Wait a couple minutes while looking for customers, then repeat the sequence. I'll do this until a varmint appears or until 45 minutes is up. Which ever comes first. Then I'll move on to my next hunting spot.
That's it for now. I hope this has been helpful for you.
Good luck and happy hunting!
Kevin Webster is an avid outdoorsman with over 20 years experience hunting coyotes and predators of all kinds. You can watch videos and get more Coyote Hunting Tips at his blog. You can also visit his Coyote Calling lens on Squidoo.
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Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Getting in Shape for Elk Hunting
If you are considering an elk hunt, you should already be aware of the fact that this is not something that you should undertake lightly. Elk hunting is not comparable to hunting things like whitetail deer for example. If you are on an elk hunt, you will be hunting under some fairly strenuous situations, and you want to be sure that whenever you sight your prey, you will not be so exhausted that you can't sight your rifle! Elk hunting is not a sport for those who are not physically in shape, and if you have an interest in hunting game this large, you should be aware of the need for fitness and working towards this goal well in advance of your hunt. Many hunters condition themselves all year round for an elk hunt and all of them are glad that, when the time comes, that they are in such good shape.
One of the prime reasons that such a degree of health is necessary when it comes to elk hunting is that the territory where elk range is so different from that where the elk hunters live. Elk live at fairly high altitudes and because of this, the air is significantly thinner where the elk roam. A hunter who comes and does not anticipate this fact will soon fall behind or even suffer from stress to his lungs and his body when he tries to adjust. When you are looking for a way to get in shape regarding your elk hunting this is something to keep in mind.
Another thing that you need to consider is the fact that elk roam a great deal more than deer do, and to get an elk , you should be prepared to walk quite a ways. While some elk hunts almost miraculously end just a few hours away from the lodge, others will last for weeks. You need to be prepared for the fact that the elk will not come to you; you need to walk to find them. The endurance that is necessary to trudge through miles and miles of mountain trails and get through the underbrush is one of the things that make elk hunting the physical challenge that it is.
When you are conditioning for your hunt, remember that above anything else that you do, you need keep your workout regimen varied. If you do the same exercises day after day, you'll find that after a surprisingly short amount of time, you will get used to it. More important than the feeling that you have gotten stronger however, is the fact that you have plateaued. Some people do twenty mile bike rides to prepare, while others make running triathlons part of their conditioning. While consulting with other hunters is the best way to get started, remember that you are the one who knows your body the best and that you are the one who can figure out what works best.
Make sure that your first elk hunt isn't your last. Get in shape and make sure that if necessary you can go as long as it takes to bag that trophy.
If you would like to experience a truly once in a lifetime wilderness elk hunt, we invite to visit our site to find out more about Kohls Outfitting and to download our free Guide To Elk Hunting.
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Sunday, December 6, 2009
Survival Preparedness - Survival Skills and Emergency Kits
Most of us would agree that at any moment we could find ourselves in a disaster or other emergency situation. Even if this fact is only lurking in the back of the mind just below consciousness, the statement is no less true. Anyone can suddenly be thrust into an emergency situation or have a disaster land squarely upon them quite unexpectedly. How well one survives or IF one survives may be a matter of luck. Far better to invest some time and effort in survival preparedness.
Survival preparedness for the purpose of this article is not a call to be constantly fearful of impending doom and disaster skulking around every corner, or to hoard great caches of dried beans, MREs, bullets, and gold then hunker down with your stash in some remote area.
More realistically, survival preparedness is the act of obtaining knowledge of and practicing basic survival skills, gathering survival gear, food and water together into emergency survival kits. These kits can then be placed at easily accessible points in the home, car, office, etc., or on your person.
Think ahead to anticipate what sort of situation might arise and what survival skills, gear, and supplies would be useful to successfully see you through to the end of it. Some excellent items on the list of basic survival skills to learn (and practice!) would be:
* how to build a fire with or without matches
* how to build a simple emergency shelter
* how to obtain food and water
* how to use a map and compass
* how to signal for help
* how to use the survival gear you have chosen
The size of the emergency kits and the items they contain will be determined by the scenario for which they are intended to be used; lost in the wilderness, stranded in your vehicle on a lonely back road, recovering from the aftermath of a tornado or other disaster.
Always include fire starting items, items to build an emergency shelter, survival tools, a medical kit, signaling device, emergency lighting, containers of water, and rations. There are many helpful web sites that describe complete lists of items to include in emergency survival kits of all sizes.
In any emergency situation strive to remain calm. Use your mind. It's one of your best survival tools.
Initiative belongs to the individual. Make the time and effort for prudent preparations toward your own survival and that of others. Do not risk suffering the consequences of taking no action at all.
Survival after all is being alive at the end of an ordeal.
Chuck McIntyre is active in helping others learn basic survival skills []. He offers reviews and recommendations of survival gear [] and emergency kits at []
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Deer Hunting Tips - Three Advanced Strategies
Every deer hunter wishes he or she could display a trophy buck at some time during their hunting career, some of us are not happy unless we bag at least one monster every season. If you are going to join the ranks of the elite hunters, then you need to know the deer hunting tips the elite hunters know. The true masters know the following advanced deer hunting tips I am about to share with you.
1. Know Your Firearm Well - Know the ballistics of the caliber and cartridge of the deer hunting rifle you have chosen to hunt with. You must be very familiar with the ballistic tables to properly adjust for the distance you are shooting. Know the fall on long shots and the rise on shorter shots. Become an expert on judging distances; 50 yards, 100 to 150 yards, 150 to 200 yards. Walk off the probable sighting areas ahead of time and measure landmarks so if you are making a 400 yard shot you know it is 400 yards; and you know the drop your bullet will realize at that distance and be able to adjust.
2. Become Familiar With Your Area Ahead of Time - This means doing more than just choosing where you want to sit after you leave the jeep, you should thoroughly get to know the area you are hunting. All of the most successful hunting seasons start months before opening day. Ask permission to go to the lease you are going to hunt on and scout all the areas well ahead of time. You should scout all the available hunting sites and "hunt without a gun." Act exactly like you are hunting but don't bring a gun (maybe a camera) and determine which areas have the greatest amount of deer population and movement, which have the biggest bucks and which areas have the highest buck to doe ratios. I also recommend walking your hunting areas during the middle of the day. Note any signs of big bucks, and regarding signs of big bucks:
3. What Are The Signs of Big Bucks? - If you know what to look for you can determine the areas where the trophy deer live. (2) Scrapes: These are areas where bucks scratch the ground (usually accompanied with urination) to mark territory and attract does, typically below low hanging tree branches at the border of heavy brush during the rut. (1) Rubs: Rubs are areas on trees and heavy brush where the bucks rub velvet off their antlers in spring and summer, and mark their territory during mating season. Look for a rub line, a series of rubs, a half a dozen or more within about a seventy five to one hundred yard space. Rubs are normally found on the side of the tree that the buck is traveling from, so noting which sides of the trees have rub marks in a rub line will tell you their normal direction of movement. Notice also the size and locations of bedding areas. If an experienced hunter finds no signs of bucks it means little chances for success. These are the deer hunting tips that separate the elite from the average hunters.

The average deer hunter with average knowledge typically gets average results. Any hunter can bag a small buck once a year and occasionally get lucky, but bringing home that majestic trophy buck with any regularity takes commitment and knowledge.
For many more deer hunting tips and secrets of master hunters visit
Donald Borah is an outdoorsman, has been avid deer hunter for over 40 years and is a contributor to the Deer Hunting Tips website.
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Hunting Supplies and Equipment
The first thing to consider when going hunting is the hunting gear, which includes the apparel or clothing and footwear. First, clothing should be appropriate for the weather or climate conditions of the location. It would be best to take initial steps in researching the local weather reports to make it as a guide in choosing if one is going to wear thick apparel. A good advice from hunters is to wear layers of clothing and if the location appears to be warm then one just adjusts by taking out the extra layers. Preparation for cold weather means one must bring extra clothes. Clothes should be able to keep one warm and comfortable. Second, footwear should be able to keep the feet warm all throughout the hunting activity. In extreme cases of coldness, snowshoes are the alternative to boots.
Third on the list is the sleeping bag. A sleeping bag should be able to make you feel comfortable and suited to your body size.
Fourth on the list is the tent. The tent should be able to provide the comfort during rest or sleep period. If the hunting group is big then there should be extra tents available.
Fifth is the amount of food, communal tools, cookware and first aid supplies. It is important to be reminded that there should be sufficient supplies for all the members of the hunting group.
Sixth is the utility knife. It is a crucial supply to bring since it will be useful in cutting woods and skinning animals.
Seventh is the proper firearm, which includes stick bows, scopes, guns, and arrows.
Bows are weapons that work hand in hand with the arrows. They are classified into three: recurve, compound and cross bow. Hunting scope is an indispensable equipment and particularly used in deer hunting. Prices vary depending on the quality of the lens.
Heavier arrows release smoother and quieter shots while lighter arrows allow flat trajectory. Heavier arrows weigh 8-10 grains per pound while middle weight are 6-8 grains per pound and lighter weight is those below 6 grains per pound. These arrows are made of aluminum and carbon. Carbon made arrows is more popular since it made a big impact in the hunting industry. On the other hand, aluminum arrows are cheaper.
Eight on the list is the bow cases. Market offers hard cases, which are durable enough to protect the hunting supplies. There is also soft camouflage cases designed to protect not just the bows and arrows but also the rifles.
Ninth is the scent control. This can be in the form of a spray, which is necessary in deer hunting. It is designed to control or remove the natural human scent. One can also use cover scents like animal urine.
Tenth is the right gun. One can choose between bolt action, lever action, and semi automatics or pump action guns. Hunting experts recommend beginners to use guns with higher caliber for better hunting results.
Other hunting supplies may include compass, binoculars, and safety kits.
Effective Salmon Fishing Techniques By Clifford Young
Anyone who has tried salmon fishing will know firsthand that getting a salmon to bite is really very tricky. While there are times when they do bite hard, there are also other times when fishers hardly get a bite at all. There are many fishing experts who reason out that salmon don't bite during periods of spawning, as this is when they lessen their feeding activity; there are others who state that these fish bite every time, spawning or not.
This is actually where salmon fishing techniques come in handy. As there is a theory that salmon are quite responsible fish, up to the point that they look after each other's eggs, there are a number of fishers who use salmon roe for bait. There are many fishers who believe that this is a winning technique, as most salmon could not resist taking a roe into its mouth so it can be brought to safety.
However, the first among the many techniques that anyone should learn about is to know where these fish can be found. There are excellent fish-finders that are now available in the market, which can help in knowing the location of these fish, like the Hummingbird Matrix 87. These sonar devices are quite outstanding in showing which crevices these fish use to hide, among other details of the sea depths.
The next tool that anyone should learn is the use of colorful jigs. This is because when migrating salmons get ready for spawning, their vision is more sensitive than most. They are most keen on sensing the color of green, thus getting green-colored jigs should increase anyone's chances of getting a salmon to bite.
Another of the salmon fishing techniques available that you should know of is water skimming. This technique is particularly effective on flat water surface fishing. With this, all that needs to be done is casting the bait and then retrieving it steadily and deliberately using the rod or reel, even before the jig has sunk. This causes the jig to smoothly skim through the top of waters just like a minnow, thereby attracting a possible bite from the fish.
So, anyone can really have a chance to catch some salmon if they follow the techniques stated above. Probably the most important things that anyone should remember about salmon fishing is to know where they lay and how to attract them.
Clifford Young is an accomplished niche website developer and author.
To learn more about salmon fishing [], please visit Fisherman Online [] for current articles and discussions.
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How to Enjoy Cooking in the Camping Kitchen By Jacob Vanderwalker
1. Preparation: Before leaving, plan every meal you intend to have. Make sure everything is packed and stored correctly. I have found that taking food out of the packages and placing it in Tupperware or sandwich baggies can help save space and reduce trash on the road. Make sure to store perishables in plenty of ice. Also save time on the camping trip by prepping food in your kitchen at home. For example, I try to cut my vegetables and potatoes before leaving. This will save time and energy in the camping kitchen.
2. Involve Everyone: Everyone likes to help out on a camping trip. Whether it is cutting wood for the fire or having the kids prepare a salad. There can be a great sense of group accomplishment through preparing a meal together.
3. The Right Equipment: Cooking in the outdoors can be very easy with the perfect equipment. There are a large variety of butane stoves that can heat up food quickly. I use single burner butane stoves when camping alone or with someone else. Double burner stoves are nice for larger groups. Fire pit grills are also very good for cooking meat and vegetables over the open fire. Before starting any fires, be sure to research the fire policies and dangers in the area. Make sure to have the right utensils as well. It's not fun trying to pick up a hamburger with a spoon or eating soup with a fork.
4. Enjoy yourself: Take time to sit down with your guests and enjoy the food. Swap stories about the kids or the day's hike.
5. Cleaning Up: Make sure to leave the camping kitchen area just as you found it or better. Leftover food should be thrown away or given to the begging dog. If in an area where other animals may be around, store leftover food in sealed containers and away from tents. Read and follow all park rules and guidelines about food storage and potential animal threats. Recycle and reuse everything that can be. Try to avoid using paper and plastic if possible. Bringing a large container of water will help in the clean-up process.
I have had many memorable meals prepared in the camping kitchen. Each experience brings a little more knowledge into what is wanted and needed for the perfect outdoor experience. Some people can live on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, while others need a four course gourmet meal. All that really matters is that you get the nourishment you need to enjoy yourself.
There are a wide variety of camping needs and wants. The camping kitchen is a great place to be at the conclusion of a wonderful day spent outdoors.
Jacob Vanderwalker wishes you the very best in all your camping kitchen experiences. Find all your camping needs at
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1st Thing Needed to Rock Your Camps - Camping Tents! By Rachel Nunez Platinum Quality Author
Histories proved the usefulness of these camping tents, it was mentioned in the bible and in Homer that it was used by the apostles since ancient times.
Camping tents are for many activities. Samples of each are the Persian tents, which is formed in circle manner and was also designed by hangings and rugs, the unique tents of the Greeks which were made by animal skins .The Roman tents which inspired the modern camping tents which are supported by two upright poles and a ridgepole. Army tents were widely used in Europe in the 17th and 18th century and now were still in used for rescuing and emergency purposes.
Traditionally, best camping was recorded because of it they were able to assemble. In history, Military basically needs camping tents for their operations in different areas, imagine all of the people these tents can and have given shelter to and homes in times of disaster or war. Refugee camps would not be possible without these camping tents.
Modern types of camping tents consist of a bell shaped tents with a pole in the center. The marquee, a large field camping tent, used for mess or hospital shelters. Recreational tents nowadays, make use of technology inside to fulfill the purpose of the camp. It is comprised of flashlight and other technologies like shock corded aluminum or fiberglass poles and lightweight fabrics.
In a success of a camping activity, tents have a great deal to contribute, and as to why? First, it provides a comfortable, functional, and economical means of camping for the family. Second, it is Lightweight and easy to tow or drag, and can be carried anywhere.
Third, Length is usually 12 feet. Some are so dense that small cars can carry it. It is set up easily. Fourth, some of the camping tents have canvass walls to bear a resemblance to tents, while others are now having these solid walled camping tents to protect against cold.
A lot of these tents are nylon made. It was designed to allow people inside it to have fresh air in and out of the Camping tents. These tents are made ergonomic as it was passed on from one generation to another. If you want your Camping tents to be able to protect you from rain, then you need to fit your tent with a rain fly that covers the roof and walls of your tent. If you want it to protect you from insects, you need to have a fine mesh screen on your tent's windows and doors.
Let me help you with the kind of tent you are going to build for your activity. If you're a mountaineers, hikers, campers or backpackers- Dome tents are very suited for you, it is a hexagonal-shaped tents made out of nylon.
If you are camping alone- Tunnel Tents will suit you best since it is ideal for single users only. I hope that helps you in choosing a fun and rocking tents to use for a great camping trip! Enjoy your camping experience to the fullest; choose the right camping tents that will suit you and your camping trip the best.
For more tips and information about camping tents, check out
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Binoculars Are Essential For A Successful Hunting Expedition By J W Rhodes
Waterproofing should be a must in hunting binoculars, and most of the mid-priced roof prism binoculars offer this feature. Magnification specifications of 8x42 or 10x42 are perfect for a variety of outdoor optics requirements. A lot of hunting is done in low light conditions so it is necessary to have an objective lens large enough to provide the maximum amount of light gathering ability, as is reasonable. Remember the larger the lens then the heavier the binoculars are likely to be, so this can be a factor when you consider the possibility of carrying these around all day. Be sure a neck strap can easily be attached to help with fatigue. When you are attempting a close up view of an object in the far distance, a very slight movement on your end translates into a big change in the area being viewed at the other end. For this reason, if you are using binoculars with a large, heavy objective lens it is helpful, if not necessary, to stabilize them by either resting them on something or mounting them on a tripod. If you will be staying in one spot for a period of time then it might be to your advantage to consider mounting the binoculars on a tripod which would free up both hands and not require you to find the viewing area, refocus, and keep steady each time you pick them up.
Also when you are looking for a pair of hunting binoculars you might want to look for a pair with a range finder feature. Although, typically not as accurate, this provides a convenient alternative to carrying a separate rangefinder. Distance measuring is important, but binoculars with a wide field of view allow you to see a larger picture, and keep an eye on several objects at once. For this reason, binoculars for deer hunting might not be the best type that you would use for hunting rabbits.
Binoculars are one of the handiest optical instruments and are necessary for hunters of all experience levels.
Do not let that trophy deer you have been dreaming of get away from you again. Learn more about binoculars and see the selection of high quality optics available at Sure Sight Optics []. Jay has written extensively about all areas of hunting which you can read at The Hunting Guide []
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Your Hunting Optics - How to Select the Right One for the Right Job By Doug Garrett
Selecting hunting optics is a prime priority for rifle shooters and hunters. Good optics give you a major advantage with your long distance shooting and general accuracy. Some optics that you need to select include binoculars, scopes and other select optic equipment for hunting. Note that hunting optics can be expensive so it is important to know where to buy this equipment at the best prices. Your favorite magazines can provide assistance and nowadays it is common to buy optics on eBay as well where you can really pick up a bargain.
Hunting optics are manufactured by brands such as Swarovski, Bushnell, Leupold, Zeiss, ATN, and Nikon. All of these brands provide top quality optics and you will not go wrong with any of them. The key is to find the correct optics to fit your rifle, your shooting style and your particular needs.
What sort of hunting optics do you need? There are a number of different optics you may want to consider, including: rifle scopes, scope mounts, night vision scopes, spotting scopes, laser scopes, range finders, binoculars, and monoculars. Monoculars can be used on a tripod or just like binoculars. They are a single eyepiece, not a dual eyepiece like binoculars. They are ideal as they allow you to use one eye to look through them and the other to look around as normal. You can also purchase night vision monoculars.
Range finders are a popular hunting optic. They are a little more high tech than traditional hunting optics in that they can calculate the distance between your target and you by use of a laser. Range finders are becoming more and more affordable. A popular and highly rated product is the Bushnell Yardage Pro 450. The number in the product name generally refers to the distance it can range.
You can buy binoculars particularly for hunting. There is no point doing this with astronomy or bird watching binoculars! What you need is something like the Burris Landmark or Nikon Buckmaster which are excellent binoculars. The way you select your optics will depend on the type of hunting you do. If you hunt in the close to medium range you'll want a laser scope. If you hunt long distance then a rifle scope with high magnification is important. You'll also want a larger objective lens diameter.
If you often hunt in unpredictable weather then you'll want to select weatherproof and waterproof hunting optics. Scopes and binoculars are available in fog proof and waterproof varieties. Weight is also a consideration when selecting optics. A fixed magnification scope for example will be lighter as will one with a smaller objective lens size. This is an important consideration if you are carrying your gear for long periods of time.
Other aspects you'll need to look out for when selecting hunting optics include magnification, field of view, exit pupil, eye relief and objective lens diameter. Once you have a good idea of your hunting needs, you'll be able to best select optics to suit your particular style.
Doug Garrett is a writer for a Leupold Rifle Scope review site where you can find reviews of the top selling Leupold VX 7 scopes and the premium Leupold Mark 4 rifle scope series, and others. If you are looking to compare the latest offerings in rifle scope technology, please visit today.
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Archery Hunting By Ted Lake Platinum Quality Author
Archery hunting does not mean just deer hunting, even though deer hunting is the most popular big game bowhunting hunts in the United States and Canada. Many other big game hunts include Elk, Bear (spring and fall), Moose, Mountain Sheep, Mountain Goats and Antelope. With all these different types of hunts, there are different types of bowhunting equipment that are required. Different camouflage or maybe blaze orange is required and different styles of hunting boots for mountain climbing or heavily insulated boots for the extreme cold.
Back packs or fanny packs to carry extra equipment needed for a particular style of hunt. Inside the back pack you need to think of the equipment needed, such as; survival equipment, deer, elk and moose calls, knife, saw, extra clothing, binoculars or spotting scope and maybe for that long day a lunch and healthy snacks. A well thought out plan before your archery hunt will save you a lot of money and possibly a very disappointing experience. Shop the internet before your hunt, there are many good deals and many good ideas for the particular type of hunt you are about to go on.
Not all bowhunting is big game hunting either; don’t forget about small game hunting or varmint hunting. These different types of archery hunts may require different types of equipment also. If you are going bowfishing, you need to have the proper equipment for that. Or what about a rabbit hunt? You might want to consider using a recurve bow or straight bow for small game hunting. Your arrows and tips will also need to be changed for the particular type of hunt you are about to have.
If you are going on a coyote or bobcat hunt you need a good call, whether it is a mouth call or a recording. You might want to consider a decoy for this hunt. A turkey hunt needs special attention also, such as; a blind or popup tent, different calls, decoys and broadheads specially made for turkey hunting. These are just a few ideas of the different types of equipment needed and they all can be purchased at your local dealership or you can make it easy on yourself and purchase them over the internet. The internet has many more items to choose from and can be cheaper. I personally, along with many of my hunting buddies shop the internet; it’s so much easier and efficient.
Before you go on your bowhunt you need to practice, and to practice you may need a target for your backyard. I have a few different targets in my backyard; a turkey and deer 3D target, a bag target and also a block target which we take along with us on a hunt just for sharpening up and tuning in on before the hunt.
Deer hunting is fun, but don’t forget about all the other different types of archery hunting you can also do. Many good experiences and fun comes along with the many different types of bow hunts that you choose to do with your family and friends.
My name is Ted Lake and I'm building a website in memory of my dad Deuaine Lake. This site is all about Archery and Archery Hunting. My dad started me when I was 5 years old (1956) and I've continued to teach both my boys the same respect for the sport of archery. Please feel welcome to visit my free website at
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4 Important Tips on How to Succeed in Your Archery Elk Hunting Trip By Gary T Platinum Quality Author
If you really want to test your skills in hunting, then you will love archery elk hunting, especially if you are also into bow hunting. The reason is that the hunted prey, the elk, happens to be one of the largest game animals to hunt - and also one of the shrewdest too. It is a challenge every hunter relish. To take home an elk is an achievement in itself, but to take home one using bows and arrows is even better.
Bow hunting in itself is a delicate and difficult sport. But if you are into archery elk hunting, the use of the bow is even more demanding. An archery elk hunter must know his quarry and his weapon on top of being able to calculate a number of variables in a given second it takes to draw and release their bow. This takes skills and precision.
So what are the things to consider in order to succeed in archery elk hunting? Here are some ...
1. You need a special type of bow (& arrows) designed to take down a large animal like the elk. This type of bow is an amazing piece of equipment. The bow hunter must learn every aspect and capability of his hunting weapons - bow plus arrows. The hunting arrows must be of the right length. Not only that but the arrows must be able to pierce tough hide and cartilage for a quick kill. It may take you several hours of practice to be ready to effectively bring down an elk which can weigh up to several hundred pounds.
2. You must pay attention to every detail. Spend time learning the location of food and water sources for elk in the area. Find out they behave during certain times of the day and the temperature as well. Spend time reading local wildlife reports for ideas.
3. Practice shooting in heavy coats or coveralls.
4. If hunting from tree stands, you can spend time alternating between 2 or 3 stands in order to gain better perspective of the location. All this will take place before the hunt ever begins.
Archery elk hunting is not easy. Luckily there are guided hunting trips to cater to hunters who want to do archery elk hunting. Outfitters are able to provide services that are tailored to the bow hunting experience.
Even if you are a seasoned hunter, an experienced guide can help you put your skill and proficiency with a bow to the ultimate test. For those who succeed in bagging their trophy, archery elk hunting can be a very satisfying and rewarding sport.
Even if you don't take home the trophy, you will still grateful for the wonderful learning experience. Knowledge is power and you can bet it will lead to assured, future success in the field.
Gary T is the owner of, a website for elk hunters. Get this FREE ebook on how to plan for your perfect hunting trip plus weekly tips & tricks.
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